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Channel sensing based dynamic adjustment of contention window in LAA-LTE networks
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
3GPP is introducing Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) in Release 13 [1], for LTE operation in unlicensed bands, to provide high data rate and to reduce the load on licensed spectrum. One of the mandatory functionalities of LAA is Listen Before Talk (LBT) to co-exist fairly with other technologies in unlicensed bands like Wi-Fi. Contention Window (CW) adjustment is one of the important issues in LAA LBT. Hence in this paper, we propose a dynamic CW adjustment algorithm for LAA based on channel sensing and then evaluated the performance of Wi-Fi in Wi-Fi-Wi-Fi and LAA-Wi-Fi scenarios. Our simulation results show that LAA with proposed CW adjustment algorithm can fairly co-exist with Wi-Fi. © 2016 IEEE.