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Cardiac BIN1 folds T-tubule membrane, controlling ion flux and limiting arrhythmia
T. Hong, H. Yang, S.-S. Zhang, H.C. Cho, M. Kalashnikova, B. Sun, H. Zhang, , M. Grabe, J. OlginShow More
Published in Nature Publishing Group
PMID: 24836577
Volume: 20
Issue: 6
Pages: 624 - 632
Cardiomyocyte T tubules are important for regulating ion flux. Bridging integrator 1 (BIN1) is a T-tubule protein associated with calcium channel trafficking that is downregulated in failing hearts. Here we find that cardiac T tubules normally contain dense protective inner membrane folds that are formed by a cardiac isoform of BIN1. In mice with cardiac Bin1 deletion, T-tubule folding is decreased, which does not change overall cardiomyocyte morphology but leads to free diffusion of local extracellular calcium and potassium ions, prolonging action-potential duration and increasing susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias. We also found that T-tubule inner folds are rescued by expression of the BIN1 isoform BIN1+13+17, which promotes N-WASP-dependent actin polymerization to stabilize the T-tubule membrane at cardiac Z discs. BIN1+13+17 recruits actin to fold the T-tubule membrane, creating a 'fuzzy space' that protectively restricts ion flux. When the amount of the BIN1+13+17 isoform is decreased, as occurs in acquired cardiomyopathy, T-tubule morphology is altered, and arrhythmia can result. © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
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JournalNature Medicine
PublisherNature Publishing Group