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Basic design and test results of high temperature superconductor insert coil for high-field hybrid magnet
J. Pradhan, U. Bhunia, , U.S. Panda, Y.K. Bhattacharyya, S.K. Thakur, V. Khare, M. Das, S. Saha, R.K. Bhandari
Published in
Volume: 104
Issue: 9
Pages: 1142 - 1146
In view of the development and demonstration of high field (~ 12 T), a hybrid magnet consisting of the main outer Low Temperature Superconductor coil made from NbTi and High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) insert is developed using commercially available Bi2223/Ag tape. The performance tests were carried out both at 77 and 4.2 K. The HTS-based current lead for the HTS insert is developed and tested considering the diameter of the existing port in the cryostat. Prior to coil manufacturing several measurements were performed on HTS tape under various conditions. Here we describe the design, construction and test results of HTS insert coil.
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JournalCurrent Science