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Base triplet nonisomorphism strongly influences DNA triplex conformation: Effect of nonisomorphic G* GC and A* AT triplets and bending of DNA triplexes
Published in
PMID: 16493655
Volume: 82
Issue: 5
Pages: 443 - 461
Structural understanding of DNA triplexes is grossly inadequate despite their efficacy as therapeutic agents. Lack of structural similarity (isomorphism) of base triplets that figure in different DNA triplexes brings in an added complexity. Recently, we have shown that the residual twist (Δt°) and the radial difference (Δr Å) adequately define base triplet nonisomorphism in structural terms and allow assessment of their role in conferring stability as well as sequence-dependent structural variations in DNA triplexes. To further corroborate these, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are carried out on DNA triplexes comprising nonisomorphic G* GC and A* AT base triplets under different sequential contexts. Base triplet nonisomorphism between G* GC and A* AT triplets is dominated by Δt° (9.8°), in view of small Δr (0.2 Å), and is in contrast to G* GC and T* AT triplets where both Δt° (10.6°) and Δr (1.1 Å) are prominent. Results show that Δt° alone enforces mechanistic influence on the triplex-forming purine strand so as to favor a zigzag conformation with alternating conformational features that include high (40°) and low (20°) helical twists, and high anti(G) and anti(A) glycosyl conformation. Higher thermal stability of this triplex compared to that formed with G* GC and T̃* AT triplets can be traced to enhanced base-stacking and counterion interactions. Surprisingly, it is found for the first time that the presence of a nonisomorphic G* GC or A* AT base triplet interrupting an otherwise mini A* AT or G* GC isomorphic triplex can induce a bend/curvature in a DNA triplex. These observations should prove useful in the design of triplex-forming oligonucleotides and in the understanding the binding affinities of this triplex with proteins. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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