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Asymmetric self-interacting dark matter via Dirac leptogenesis
M. Dutta, N. Narendra, , S. Shil
Published in American Physical Society
Volume: 106
Issue: 9
The nature of neutrinos, whether Dirac or Majorana, is hitherto not known. Assuming that the neutrinos are Dirac, which needs B-L to be an exact symmetry, we make an attempt to explain the observed proportionality between the relic densities of dark matter (DM) and baryonic matter in the present Universe i.e., ωDM≈5ωB. We extend the Standard Model (SM) by introducing heavy scalar doublets Xi,i=1, 2 and η, two singlet scalars φ and φ′, a vectorlike Dirac fermion χ representing the DM and three right-handed neutrinos νRi,i=1, 2, 3. Assuming B-L is an exact symmetry of the early Universe, the CP-violating out-of-equilibrium decay of heavy scalar doublets; Xi,i=1, 2 to the SM lepton doublet L and the right-handed neutrino νR, generate equal and opposite B-L asymmetry among left (νL) and right (νR)-handed neutrinos. We ensure that νL-νR equilibration does not occur until below the electroweak (EW) phase transition during which a part of the lepton asymmetry gets converted to dark matter asymmetry through a dimension eight operator, which conserves B-L symmetry and remains in thermal equilibrium above sphaleron decoupling temperature. A part of the remaining B-L asymmetry then gets converted to a net B asymmetry through EW-sphalerons which are active at a temperature above 100 GeV. To alleviate the small-scale anomalies of ΛCDM, we assume the DM (χ) to be self-interacting via a light mediator φ, which not only depletes the symmetric component of the DM, but also paves a way to detect the DM at terrestrial laboratories through φ-H mixing, where H is the SM Higgs doublet. © 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review D
PublisherAmerican Physical Society