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Anomaly Detection in Data Plane Systems using Packet Execution Paths
A. Sanghi, K.P. Kadiyala, , S. Joshi
Published in Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
Pages: 9 - 15
Programmable data planes provide exciting opportunities to realize fast, accurate, and data-driven control-loop decisions. Many data plane systems have been proposed for handling network dynamics (e.g., congestion, failures) in near real-time. The core of these systems has packet-processing data-plane algorithms that continuously monitor traffic and respond automatically. Despite their benefits, automatic response to network events lead to increase in potential sources of inputs, and hence, increase in attack surface. This paper takes a step towards securing such systems by (1) identifying possible attacks on recently proposed data-driven data-plane systems; and (2) designing a scalable tool for detecting such attacks at run time. Our approach models plausible expected behavior and uses the model as a reference to check whether the system is under attack. We conduct preliminary experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of our detection methodology. © 2021 ACM.