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An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-dodecane pyrolysis and oxidation
, R. Tangko, D.A. Sheen, H. Wang, C.T. Bowman
Published in Elsevier Inc.
Volume: 163
Pages: 12 - 30
The current study investigates n-dodecane (n-C12H26) pyrolysis and oxidation kinetics in the temperature regime of 1000-1300 K in the Stanford Variable Pressure Flow Reactor facility. The reactor environment is vitiated and the experiments were conducted at atmospheric pressure. Species time history data were collected for n-dodecane and oxygen, as well as for 12 intermediate and product species over a span of 1-40 ms residence times using real time gas chromatography. The experimental data were compared against the predictions of four detailed kinetic models. The results showed that the fuel oxidation proceeds through an early pyrolytic stage where the fuel breaks down into smaller hydrocarbon fragments, including mostly C2-4 alkenes, and a late oxidation stage where the fragments oxidize to CO. The kinetic models were observed to diverge notably in their predictions from one another. Sensitivity and flux analysis identified the cause of the divergences to differences in the small hydrocarbon chemistry modeling. Finally, the flow reactor data were used to demonstrate how model uncertainty minimization can improve model predictions. It is shown that after uncertainty minimization against a selected set of n-dodecane combustion data, the predictions of the resulting optimized model are improved notably for all existing n-dodecane data sets tested, including those of the current flow reactor study that were not part of the optimization target list. © 2015 The Combustion Institute.
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