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Albumin-based nanocarriers for therapeutic applications
S.A. Sankaranarayanan, S. Bonala,
Published in Elsevier
Pages: 521 - 549
Albumin has gained much attention as a potential nanocarrier in clinical settings for various therapeutic applications. This could be attributed to the versatile nature, reduced toxicity, and immunogenicity, efficient targeted drug delivery, ability to conjugate with a variety of functional ligands owing to the presence of multiple active binding sites, etc. So far, several albumin-based nanomedicines have been commercialized successfully. This chapter focuses briefly on the different types of nanocarriers that are being extensively researched and the various therapeutic applications that exploit the versatile multifunctional nature of albumin. The review also highlights some of the clinically approved and commercialized albumin-based nanomedicines and those under clinical trials. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalPolymeric Nanosystems: Theranostic Nanosystems: Volume 1