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Adaptive Batch Mode Active Learning
S. Chakraborty, , S. Panchanathan
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
PMID: 25291799
Volume: 26
Issue: 8
Pages: 1747 - 1760
Active learning techniques have gained popularity to reduce human effort in labeling data instances for inducing a classifier. When faced with large amounts of unlabeled data, such algorithms automatically identify the exemplar and representative instances to be selected for manual annotation. More recently, there have been attempts toward a batch mode form of active learning, where a batch of data points is simultaneously selected from an unlabeled set. Real-world applications require adaptive approaches for batch selection in active learning, depending on the complexity of the data stream in question. However, the existing work in this field has primarily focused on static or heuristic batch size selection. In this paper, we propose two novel optimization-based frameworks for adaptive batch mode active learning (BMAL), where the batch size as well as the selection criteria are combined in a single formulation. We exploit gradient-descent-based optimization strategies as well as properties of submodular functions to derive the adaptive BMAL algorithms. The solution procedures have the same computational complexity as existing state-of-the-art static BMAL techniques. Our empirical results on the widely used VidTIMIT and the mobile biometric (MOBIO) data sets portray the efficacy of the proposed frameworks and also certify the potential of these approaches in being used for real-world biometric recognition applications. © 2014 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
PublisherData powered by TypesetInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.