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Action-vectors: Unsupervised movement modeling for action recognition
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages: 1602 - 1606
Representation and modelling of movements play a significant role in recognising actions in unconstrained videos. However, explicit segmentation and labelling of movements are non-trivial because of the variability associated with actors, camera viewpoints, duration etc. Therefore, we propose to train a GMM with a large number of components termed as a universal movement model (UMM). This UMM is trained using motion boundary histograms (MBH) which capture the motion trajectories associated with the movements across all possible actions. For a particular action video, the MAP adapted mean vectors of the UMM are concatenated to form a fixed dimensional representation referred to as 'super movement vector' (SMV). However, SMV is still high dimensional and hence, Baum-Welch statistics extracted from the UMM are used to arrive at a compact representation for each action video, which we refer to as an 'action-vector'. It is shown that even without the use of class labels, action-vectors provide a more discriminatory representation of action classes translating to a 8 % relative improvement in classification accuracy for action-vectors based on MBH features over naïve MBH features on the UCF101 dataset. Furthermore, action-vectors projected with LDA achieve 93% accuracy on the UCF101 dataset which rivals state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. © 2017 IEEE.