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Abel inversion of deflectometric data: Comparison of accuracy and noise propagation of existing techniques
, A.K. Agrawal
Published in OSA - The Optical Society
Volume: 48
Issue: 20
Pages: 3894 - 3902
Abel inverse integral to obtain local field distributions from path-integrated measurements in an axisymmetric medium is an ill-posed problem with the integrant diverging at the lower integration limit. Existing methods to evaluate this integral can be broadly categorized as numerical integration techniques, semianalytical techniques, and least-squares whole-curve-fit techniques. In this study, Simpson's 1/3rd rule (a numerical integration technique), one-point and two-point formulas (semianalytical techniques), and the Guass-Hermite product polynomial method (a least-squares whole-curve-fit technique) are compared for accuracy and error propagation in Abel inversion of deflectometric data. For data acquired at equally spaced radial intervals, the deconvolved field can be expressed as a linear combination (weighted sum) of measured data. This approach permits use of the uncertainty analysis principle to compute error propagation by the integration algorithm. Least-squares curve-fit techniques should be avoided because of poor inversion accuracy with large propagation of measurement error. The two-point formula is recommended to achieve high inversion accuracy with minimum error propagation. © 2009 Optical Society of America.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetApplied Optics
PublisherData powered by TypesetOSA - The Optical Society
Impact Factor1.230
Citation Styleunsrt
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