Laser cladding is carried out using lateral powder feeding method and the effect of direction of deposition on the clad track geometry is studied. Further, the effect of laser process parameters i.e., laser power and scan speed on the forming characteristics of clad track are also studied. The lateral nozzle with 1 mm diameter feed powder (Inconel 718) with 60° angle to the substrate (Stain Steel-AISI 304). With the different direction of scanning with different laser process parameter, mass flow and carrier gas (Argon) pressure the scanning direction opposite to power flow (+Y) formed uniform clad bed with height, width, and minimum dilution. At higher rate of carrier gas flow the molten poll is well-shielded and preventing oxidation. In addition, 2D thin wall formed, also hardness (360 Hv0.05) of the wall uniform throughout and no porosity throughout the wall. © 2023