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A first principles theoretical study of vibrational spectral diffusion and hydrogen bond dynamics in aqueous ionic solutions: D2O in hydration shells of Cl- ions
, A. Semparithi, A. Chandra
Published in
Volume: 129
Issue: 19
A theoretical study of vibrational spectral diffusion and hydrogen bond dynamics in aqueous ionic solutions is presented from first principles without employing any empirical potential models. The present calculations are based on ab initio molecular dynamics for trajectory generation and wavelet analysis of the simulated trajectories for time dependent frequency calculations. Results are obtained for two different deuterated aqueous solutions: the first one is a relatively dilute solution of a single Cl- ion and the second one is a concentrated solution of NaCl (∼3M) dissolved in liquid D2 O. It is found that the frequencies of OD bonds in the anion hydration shell, i.e., those which are hydrogen bonded to the chloride ion, have a higher stretch frequency than those in the bulk water. Also, on average, the frequencies of hydration shell OD modes are found to increase with increase in the anion-water hydrogen bond distance. On the dynamical side, when the vibrational spectral diffusion is calculated exclusively for the hydration shell water molecules in the first solution, the dynamics reveals three time scales: a short-time relaxation (∼200 fs) corresponding to the dynamics of intact ion-water hydrogen bonds, a slower relaxation (∼3 ps) corresponding to the lifetimes of chloride ion-water hydrogen bonds, and another longer-time constant (∼20 ps) corresponding to the escape dynamics of water from the anion hydration shell. Existence of such three time scales for hydration shell water molecules was also reported earlier for water containing a single iodide ion using classical molecular dynamics [B. Nigro, J. Phys. Chem. A 110, 11237 (2006)]. Hence, the present study confirms the basic results of this earlier work using a different methodology. However, when the vibrational spectral diffusion is calculated over all the OD modes, only two time scales of ∼150 fs and ∼2.7 ps are found without the slowest component of ∼20 ps. This is likely because of the very small weight that the hydration shell water molecules carry to the overall spectral diffusion in the solution containing a single ion. For the concentrated solution also, the slowest component of ∼20 ps is not found in the spectral diffusion of all water molecules because a distinct separation between the hydration shell and bulk water in terms of their stretch frequencies does not hold at this high concentration regime. The present first principles results are compared with those of the available experiments and classical simulations. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalJournal of Chemical Physics