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1,3-Diisopropylimidazolium bis-(cyclo-octatetraenyl)erbate(III)
P.G. Jones, C.G. Hrib, , M. Tamm
Published in
Volume: 63
Issue: 8
Pages: m2059 - m2060
In the title compound, (C11H21N2)[Er(C8H8)2], the anion displays the sandwich form with planar and parallel cyclo-octa-tetra-enyl ligands. The perpendicular distances of the Er atom from the C8 planes are 1.8809 (7) and 1.8476 (8) Å, with individual Er - C bond lengths in the range 2.596 (2)-2.651 (2) Å. The extended structure consists of chains of alternating anions and cations parallel to (101); residues are connected by C - H⋯π inter-actions and neighbouring formula units are related by an n glide plane. © International Union of Crystallography 2007.
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JournalActa Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online